After a profitable theatrical run, the Malayalam movie Ajayante Randam Moshanam (ARM) will quickly be out there for digital streaming. Directed by newcomer Jithin Laal, this era action-adventure will premiere on Disney+ Hotstar on November 08, 2024. Starring Tovino Thomas in a triple function, the movie had a 30-day uninterrupted run on the Kerala field workplace, grossing over Rs 100 crore globally. This launch marks a milestone in Thomas’s profession, being his highest-grossing movie up to now. The OTT launch will presently function solely the Malayalam model, with no updates on dubbed variations.
When and The place to Watch Ajayante Randam Moshanam
The film is scheduled for launch on Disney+ Hotstar, set for November 8. The story unfolds in Northern Kerala and spans three time durations—1900, 1950, and 1990—following three characters named Maniyan, Kunjikelu, and Ajayan. Every protagonist is answerable for safeguarding a invaluable ancestral artefact, connecting three generations via a single mission. This digital launch comes practically two months after its preliminary theatrical debut, with a regular eight-week theatrical window earlier than OTT distribution.
Official Trailer and Plot of Ajayante Randam Moshanam
ARM’s trailer gives a glance into the movie’s setting throughout three eras, that includes three essential characters performed by Tovino Thomas. Set in historic Northern Kerala, every timeline focuses on the characters’ efforts to guard a household treasure handed down over generations. The storyline integrates parts of Kerala’s folklore, with a concentrate on the cultural heritage of the area. ARM incorporates motion, interval drama, and mystical themes inside its narrative construction.
Forged and Crew of Ajayante Randam Moshanam
The movie contains Tovino Thomas main in three distinct roles. Different key forged members are Krithi Shetty, making her debut in Malayalam cinema, alongside Basil Joseph, Surabhi Lakshmi, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Shivajith. Notable voices within the movie embrace Chiyaan Vikram and Mohanlal, who lend narration to the storyline. ARM is produced by Magic Frames and UGM Leisure, marking Jithin Laal’s directorial debut.
Reception of Ajayante Randam Moshanam
ARM achieved industrial success throughout its theatrical launch, incomes over Rs 100 crore globally. On IMDb, the movie holds a score of seven.6/10, indicating a powerful viewer response. ARM additionally outperformed different releases throughout the Onam season, together with the critically acclaimed Kiskindha Kandam, securing its standing as a field workplace winner in Malayalam cinema.